Online voting is now open for Doyon, Limited’s 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders!

Shareholders will elect four candidates to join the Doyon Board of Directors at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Maureen L. McCarty

Jody Potts-Joseph

Jamie L. Nollner

Kristi Williams

Denise Newman

Aaron L. Solomon

Linda Fleury

Ivan W. Demientieff

Brenda A. James

Jerry Isaac

Clinton L. Young

Antoinette “Toni” Fields Halvorsen

Maureen L. McCarty

Maureen L. McCarty, Rural

“I am running for the Doyon, Limited Board of Directors to encourage more younger adults to start learning how our corporation is operated. I will do my absolute best to be a great Board member for our shareholders.”

Jody Potts-Joseph

Jody Potts-Joseph, Rural

“I am running for the Doyon, Limited Board of Directors to bring strong shareholder representation at the Board level. We are facing unprecedented reality with climate impacts, the Yukon salmon crash, food insecurity, and lack of economic opportunity at home. We as Native people need viable economic opportunity that doesn’t threaten the health of our lands or our way of life. I believe Doyon can prosper while respecting our traditional lands and teachings. I will be a strong voice for our shareholders, bringing knowledge and a vision of striking a balance of responsible development of our lands and resources, while also seeking sustainable corporate opportunities.

I hope to increase shareholder engagement, shareholder hire, regional economic development, applying our traditional values in all we do, honoring our ancestors and Elders, and establishing a strong future for our youth. I will serve with honesty, integrity, vision, and humility.”

Jamie L. Nollner

Jamie L. Nollner, Urban

“Serving on the Board is something I have aspired to for a long time. I started from humble roots in Galena, Alaska, where I was raised the traditional way by my grandparents. Due to hard work and dedication, I have grown to now be relied upon by leadership internationally.

Not only am I a college graduate, but over the years I have gained experience working for my village corporation, Doyon, and in the oil industry. Learning about the oil industry was done with the intention to someday benefit Doyon shareholders. I not only learned a lot about oil and gas, but also gained an understanding of how corporations operate, budgeting, and economic analysis. This is part of what I hope to bring to my tenure on our Board.

My goal is to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather, the late Jimmy Huntington, to serve our people.”

Kristi Williams

Kristi Williams, Urban

“My parents are Blanche Strom of Gwichyaa Zhee and Spud Williams of Nenana and Tanana. My grandparents are the late Blanche and Charlie Strom of Fort Yukon, and May and Robert Speck of Nenana. I am a Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich’in Tribal citizen.

Our number one resource is our people. Doyon’s top priorities should be shareholder safety and wellbeing, and protection of our land and resources for future generations. If elected, I will work hard to ensure shareholder voices are included in decision-making, so Doyon makes informed decisions regarding important issues that impact shareholders. To best serve our people, it is essential shareholders are informed and engaged in communication with Doyon staff and the Board.

In addition to dividends and jobs, I would like Doyon to support economic opportunities for shareholders, especially in rural areas. I would encourage greater investment in our people and communities, and diversification of Doyon’s investment portfolio.”

Denise Newman

Denise Newman, Urban

“Doyon has become a financial powerhouse and established a solid, stable foundation where continued growth will undoubtedly continue. We have witnessed Doyon expand from that small building on 1st Avenue to a leader of many industries. It is time to spread some of that wealth and deliver on the promise of being socially and culturally responsible to the villages Doyon represents and to the shareholders who choose to live and raise their families in rural villages. Issuing a yearly dividend is not enough. Doyon needs to be intentional with how they are going to help villages thrive, not just survive. Doyon’s financial resources can bring true and lasting impacts and we can no longer ignore this responsibility to shareholders who aren’t living in Fairbanks or Anchorage or work for Doyon Drilling. Unless we recognize all shareholder needs and move everyone forward, we are failing the mission of Doyon.”

Aaron L. Solomon

Aaron L. Solomon, Urban

“I want to serve on the Doyon Board to help our people learn the importance of ANCSA and Doyon’s role. We as Doyon shareholders have great benefits we are not taking advantage of. Doyon was created to protect Alaska Native lands and help us financially integrate into Western culture. Doyon has grown a lot since 1971, with a lot of great accomplishments. We still have a lot to fight for, starting with investing in rural Alaska. I want to help our people grow culturally and financially by teaching our youth to own and operate a small business. In our Athabascan culture, we were taught to give if we have more, and that is what I would like to do if elected to the Board. There are so few of us Alaskan Natives, compared to everyone else in the world, and we have to stand together.”

Linda Fleury

Linda Fleury, Urban

“I wish to serve as a Director to help our shareholders. As an original shareholder, I have always maintained a relationship with my people. I have gone home to go hunting/fishing for years until the pandemic. I have provided management for fiddle dances in Anchorage since 2005. I enjoy seeing our people. I have 30 years of working with nonprofits/government services in government contracting. I have learned to work with people. As a lifelong learner, I earned a Master’s in Business Administration. This gives me energy to work hard to acquire information to broaden my base of knowledge. I am a visionary thinker who enjoys bringing ideas to life. My personal strengths are to speak the truth on controversial subjects, willingness to truly listen to others, and working for a higher purpose. These strengths help me make good decisions to ensure the future for our children and our corporation.”

Ivan W. Demientieff

Ivan W. Demientieff, Rural

“I bring to the table the wisdom and knowledge of a leader. Humbly working hard for our shareholders is the focus. Business doesn’t have to be that difficult. Working together is the key.”

Brenda A. James

Brenda A. James, Urban

“I would like to see how we can work together to advocate for and provide assistance for Elders, including rides and Elder Housing in Fairbanks for people that are disabled that can’t move back home to the villages.

We are here to show respect to Elders but want to take it a step further and provide our Elders with housing to give them independence and a place of their own. This will give more of our shareholders jobs also.

We can also start some kind of life insurance or burial insurance for Elders, which is definitely needed.”

Jerry Isaac

Jerry Isaac, Rural

“I am seeking re-election for another three years on the Doyon Board as we enter into the continued age of business development. Business in America and the world is conducted with unbelievable speed and efficiency. I want to be helpful to Doyon and its efforts in business expansion and to help with strong business practices that ensure Doyon’s future.”

Clinton L. Young

Clinton L. Young, Urban

“I want to guide our young shareholders in our company’s technology endeavor so that we may maximize returns for all shareholders alike. I’ve worked my way up through designDATA from intern to management, and have helped guide interns into successful careers.”

Antoinette “Toni” Fields Halvorsen

Antoinette “Toni” Fields Halvorsen, Urban

“I am writing to express my interest in running for a position on the Doyon, Limited Board of Directors. As a shareholder, with my financial background I aim to advocate for strategies that will drive growth and profitability, ultimately increasing dividends for shareholders. A focus on sustainable financial performance will allow Doyon to continue delivering larger dividends, benefiting all shareholders.

I am also passionate about outreach to future generations, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a clean driving record and criminal background. By doing so, we can empower young people to pursue stable careers and take full advantage of opportunities at Doyon and beyond.

My goal is to ensure that Doyon remains a strong innovative, and forward-thinking corporation, while also empowering the next generation of shareholders and leaders to take charge of their futures.”

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