
Doyon is the largest private landowner in Alaska managing over 12 million acres of surface and subsurface ownership across Interior Alaska. Our region has the longest border with Canada, borders six other Alaska Native Corporation regions, has the longest rivers, and the largest number of roads. Due to the size of the region, there are ongoing projects regularly occurring in the region from research, to local use, to analysis, to mineral exploration.

Doyon regularly participates in mineral exploration programs and has done so since 1974. Doyon closely monitors all exploration programs and engages surface owners in surface use agreements when village corporation lands are included in project areas.

When ANCSA was passed, there were three primary types of land selections. The first category is village corporation selections made within a 25 township withdrawal area around each village. Village corporations received first dibs on selections. The second type was the mandatory land Doyon was required to take adjacent to the village corporation lands also in 25 township withdrawals. The third type of land is outside of the withdrawal area, sometimes called deficiency selections. These lands were remote from the closest communities. Doyon’s leadership in the early days utilized a variety of resources to identify lands that had values for timber, minerals, and oil and gas. The idea was if Doyon made good selections it would help promote local opportunities for training and employment for shareholders and business opportunities for village corporations.

Tintina gold belt

Because the Doyon region is located in a well-known geologic fault (Tintina Fault), much of the third type of lands were chosen for mineral exploration. These lands are the focus of much of the mineral exploration projects in the region. A majority of the deficiency lands Doyon selects are located in the Fortymile district, in the eastern part of our region near the hub community of Tok. 


The Lands and Natural Resources Department and project partners provide regular updates to nearby communities. Promoting local hire, training, community contributions, and potential economic development to sustain our communities remains a top priority for Doyon. 

Doyon monitors projects under the utmost environmental standards and best management practices.

Active Mineral Exploration Projects

There are several active stage mineral exploration projects on Doyon, Limited surface and subsurface lands. These lands were selected by early ANCSA leadership for their mineral potential to create and promote in-region economic opportunity including jobs, training, education, and contracting opportunities short- and long-term.  

Doyon, Limited’s goal is to promote projects that provide important economic opportunities for shareholders and communities. Agreements include local hiring benefits and scholarship contributions. Doyon pursues the utmost communication and environmental standards in its natural resource exploration.

Tribes and ANCSA corporations receive regular updates and annual updates from Doyon and the organizations that we sign agreements with. Regular updates include direct box holder mail outs, newsletter updates, phone calls, emails, virtual webinar meetings, and in-person community updates when in compliance with local COVID-19 measures.


Flat is an early stage gold exploration project with Tectonic Metals, Inc. This project includes 92,000 acres of Doyon surface and subsurface lands. The agreement was signed in 2021. The first year of exploration in 2022 included testing of historic core, geologic mapping and trenching. In 2023 Tectonic Metals drilled oriented core and Reverse Circulation (RC). In 2024 drilling started late August and will continue through September. A small, tracked drill rig is being used to drill shallow RC holes but a second core drill rig may be added to the program. Drill sites are checked for cultural items prior to the drill being moved onsite, and photos are taken before and after to ensure minimal disturbance has taken place and reclamation has been completed.


Kaazene is an early stage rare earth element (REE) and gold exploration agreement with Wiseman Metals centered on the Tofty placer district near Manley Hot Springs. The agreement was signed in June of 2023. Summer activities included soil sampling and shallow shovel samples. This project includes 23,040 acres of Doyon surface and subsurface lands. Wiseman Metals has partnered with the University of Alaska Fairbanks to work on the metallurgy of Kaazene. In 2024 rock samples were collected and will be processed by the University.


East Wiseman is an early stage base metal and gold exploration agreement with Wiseman Metals. The agreement was signed in March of 2022. This project includes over 290,000 acres of Doyon Surface and Subsurface lands. Exploration is ongoing, in 2022 an extensive soil sampling campaign and 22 shallow Reverse Circulation (RC) drill holes were completed. In 2023 geological mapping and an additional 16 holes were drilled. In 2024 geologic mapping and rock sampling continued. Exploration on East Wiseman is currently focused on copper.


West Wiseman is an early stage base metal and gold exploration agreement with Wiseman Metals. The Agreement was signed in November of 2022. The property includes 74,880 acres of surface and subsurface lands. A small amount of reconnaissance work was done in the summer of 2023. No field work was completed at West Wiseman in 2024.


Vinasale is a gold exploration agreement with Discovery Alaska Ltd. Efforts are focused on reconfirming the gold deposit and exploring the project’s upside potential in the historic placer gold mining district at the northeastern end of the Kuskokwim Mountains. This project is located 16 miles south of McGrath. In 2024 a review of historic drilling was completed and the historic model was updated. No field work was completed at Vinasale in 2024. 

scholarship contributions

Since 2019, $210,000 in scholarship contributions have been made to the Alaska Natives in Science in Engineering Program, GeoForce Alaska, Alaska Resource Education, and Doyon Foundation.

These contributions have benefitted over 100 Doyon youth from elementary to high school.  

For more information contact the Lands and Natural Resources Department at
907-459-2030, or 1-888-478-4755 ext. 2030., or  lands@doyon.com.