The DST distribution is mailed or direct deposited to its beneficiaries (Doyon shareholders – Class A, B, C, D, and E) in December.
Doyon’s distribution amount is based on a five-year average of net income.
To make records information changes for future DST distributions, please contact Shareholder Records at 907-459-2040, 1-888-478-4755, or
The 2024 May distribution amount is $6.31 per share, or $631 per 100 shares. This payment will be made on Thursday, May 9, 2024 to class B shareholders and village corporations.
Sections 7(i) and 7(j) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) are unique revenue-sharing mechanisms included by the United States Congress to help ensure that all Alaska Natives benefited from resource development on ANCSA
lands. Under Section 7(i), a regional corporation must share 70% of the net revenue from timber and subsurface minerals developed on regional corporation ANCSA lands with the other 11 Alaska Native regional corporations.
Under Section 7(j), a regional corporation must annually pay 50% of the money received under Section 7(i) to the village corporations and to at-large shareholders within its region. In the Doyon region, we make distributions to
our village corporations and at-large shareholders in the April/May timeframe of Section 7(i) money we have received from the other regional corporations during the preceding year.
The formula we use is to divide 50% of the amount of Section 7(i) money received by the number of original shareholders. Doyon then pays each village corporation its proportional share of money based on the class A shareholder population
in 1972. Each village corporation determines how to use its 7(j) payments.
Every at-large/Class B shareholder receives a disbursement for the individual proportional share based on the same formula.
To make records information changes for future DST distributions, please contact Shareholder Records at or 1-888-478-4755 (ext. 2040) or 907-459-2040.
Doyon shareholders will not receive a 1099 form from Doyon for the June or December 2020 DST distributions. These distributions are not taxable to Doyon shareholders.
Beginning in 2019, Doyon Settlement Trust (DST) distributions replaced Doyon dividends issued to shareholders, with the exception of 7(j) distributions. The 7(j) distributions that Doyon pays to at-large shareholders and village corporations
in May of each year cannot be paid out of the DST and will continue to be taxable. At-large (Class B) shareholders who received a distribution in May 2020 were mailed an IRS 1099-MISC form if their distribution was $600 or more.