Angela Gonzalez is Koyukon Athabascan originally from Huslia, Alaska, along the Koyukuk River. Łot’oydaatlno is her Denaakk’e name. Her parents are Al Yatlin, Sr. and is Eleanor Yatlin of Huslia. Her paternal grandparents are the late George Frank, Minnie Yatlin and Alda Frank. Her maternal grandparents are the late Edwin Simon and Lydia Simon. She lives in Anchorage with her husband, and they are the proud parents of Janessa (Tłee naa’naa) and Ermelina (K’ete ts’aayedaalno).

Łot’oydaatlno cherishes any time spent on the Koyukuk River, berry picking, listening to Elders share stories, laughing with cousins, being an auntie, eating Native food, attending potlatches, and spending time with family. She loves beading, writing and, photography. She shares instructional beading videos on YouTube, and occasionally teaches beading classes.

Łot’oydaatlno has been fortunate to travel to many communities in Alaska. She enjoys sharing photos and stories of life in Alaska, with a focus on Athabascan people, culture, language and our ways of life on the Athabascan Woman Blog. She does freelance writing for magazines, online media and other publications. She has also written two children’s books, Button Up! Fall in Alaska and Koyukon Fish Camp. In the second book, the main character’s name is Steven, in honor of the late Steven Attla of Huslia. Steven visits his Setsoo and Setseye (grandma and grandpa) in fish camp and learns how to work on fish and about Athabascan values.

Łot’oydaatlno is the Communications Manager for Chugachmiut. Prior to that, she was the Indigenous Communications Manager for the First Alaskans Institute. She serves on the board of the Alaska Native Media Group, and especially loves uplifting Native voices in journalism. She currently serves on the board president for the Public Relations Society of America – Alaska Chapter and was honored with PRSA’s Bruce Pozzi Chapter Service award recipient in 2016. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Tulsa. She was recently featured among many Alaska Natives and Native Americans across the US in Matika Wilber’s new book, Project 562 – Changing the Way We See Native America.

“I encourage everyone to take steps to connect to their language, culture, people, land, water, storytelling, and ways of life. When I do beadwork, I feel very connected to my family, culture and Ancestors. Keeping traditions alive is what keeps us strong. We all have it within us to heal. When I write stories, I feel power of our stories and voices coming through. I know we all have a story to tell.”

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