Doyon Continues Work on the Alaska FiberOptic Project

Work is advancing on Segment 1 of the Alaska FiberOptic project. This segment covers Fort Yukon to Tanana.  Members of the broadband team from Doyon, Owl Ridge, Deploycom, and Alaska Communications visited Rampart and Tanana in May 2023, and visited Beaver, Stevens Village, and Fort Yukon in August. Community meetings were held in each village, and community surveys of utility infrastructure began. 

Advancements of the project include engineering for the land portion of the project, where fiber optic cable from Fairbanks to the Yukon River Bridge will be installed.  Initial field studies are underway and are expected to be completed before the river freezes. These field studies include a detailed review of the project corridor to identify any potential installation issues. Environmental resource evaluations, such as cultural resource studies, cable shore landings, evaluation of river dynamics, and evaluation of the fiber-to-home infrastructure are also being conducted and are anticipated to be complete by Fall 2023. 

The results of these field studies will be incorporated into developing an environmental assessment in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Permitting for the project is on schedule, and permit applications with federal, state, and local communities and tribes will begin soon. 

To learn more about this broadband project, visit  

For more information, contact Sarah Obed, Senior Vice President of External Affairs, at 907-459-2030, 1-888-478-4755, or  

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