Sophomores from Galena, Alaska, recently toured the Doyon, Limited plaza building in downtown Fairbanks. The visit provided these students with a comprehensive overview of the Doyon Family of Companies and the employment and training opportunities available.
During the tour, the students gained insights into Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and its significant role in the formation and development of Doyon, Limited. The students learned about various land management strategies, including trespass prevention, material site management, and the protection of cultural and historical sites.
They learned about the different branches of the Doyon Family of Companies and the diverse employment and training opportunities the companies provide.
The students visited the Walter Harper statue, learning about his historic climb to become the first person known to reach the summit of Denali during the 1913 expedition. This provided the students with a deeper appreciation of the contributions of Native Alaskans to the state’s history.
The visit was both educational and inspiring, giving the students a clearer understanding of their heritage and the potential career opportunities within Doyon.