Today, July 25, TIME reveals the annual list of the World’s Greatest Places, highlighting 100 extraordinary destinations to visit and stay. Kantishna Roadhouse, owned and operated by Doyon, Limited, was featured as one of the exciting places to stay!

“We are honored to be named as one of TIME’s World’s Greatest Places to Stay!” said Jordan Sanford, General Manager of Kantishna Roadhouse. “While the Pretty Rocks Landslide has been a challenge to navigate, it has given us the opportunity to create a distinctive and personalized experience for guests.”

“Kantishna Roadhouse is a once-in-a-lifetime Alaskan travel experience,” said Julie Morman, Chief Operating Officer at Doyon, Limited. “We are pleased to be on this list and showcase the lodge and operations.”

Kantishna Roadhouse is located 90 miles into Denali National Park, in a remote area where few are lucky enough to travel. Here, guests will find adventure, tranquility, and an escape from everyday modern life. 

This year, Kantishna Roadhouse introduced day trips for an exclusive seven-hour adventure, including a flight-seeing tour of the Alaska Range and Mount Denali, exploring historic buildings, nature trail hikes, panning for gold, and lunch at the lodge. 

Reservations at Kantishna Roadhouse can be made at   

To compile this list, TIME solicited nominations of places—including hotels, cruises, restaurants, attractions, museums, parks, and more—from its international network of correspondents and contributors and via an application process, with an eye toward those offering new and exciting experiences.

“When the Pretty Rocks Landslide – a climate change-induced menace that’s been active since the 1960’s in Denali National Park and Preserve – cut off half of the main park road in August 2021, hard times befell some of Alaska’s most beloved backcountry lodges. Jordan Sanford, the Upper Tanana Athabascan general manager of the stunning Kantishna Roadhouse, the only Indigenous-owned and operated lodge in the park, says the property’s business operations were still in recovery from the pandemic when the road closure devastated them. With everything along the 92-mile Denali Park Road suddenly isolated after mile 43, the 32-cabin roadhouse pivoted to a fly-in-only model.” Read more here:

See the full list here:

View the official press release.

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