There is no better time to prepare for a wildland fire. Below are recommendations from the City of Kodiak, Alaska on how to prepare your home for the 2021 fire season.

  • Rake leaves, dead limbs, and twigs. Remove leaves and rubbish from under structures and remove vines from the walls of the home. Clear all flammable vegetation.
  • Remove dead branches that extend over the roof.
  • Prune tree branches and shrubs within 15 feet of a stovepipe or chimney outlet.
  • Ask the power company to clear branches from powerlines.
  • Clear a 10-foot area around propane tanks and the barbecue.
  • Place stove, fireplace, and grill ashes in a metal bucket, soak in water for 2 days; then bury the cold ashes in mineral soil.
  • Store gasoline, oily rags, and other flammable materials in approved safety cans. Place cans in a safe location away from the base of buildings.
  • Stack firewood at least 100 feet away and uphill from your home.
  • Review your homeowner’s insurance policy and also prepare or update a list of your home’s contents.

More than 60 percent of Alaska’s wildland fires are human-caused! To protect you and your loved ones, ensure that you follow the safe-burning guidelines that are in your burn permit. Below are some common burning violations that Alaska’s Fire Prevention Officers encounter when patrolling and interfacing with the public.

  • Burning during adverse weather conditions (hot, dry, windy) or during a burn permit suspension or closure.
  • Failure to possess a valid burn permit.
  • Burning that exceeds the scope of the permit.
  • Burning materials that emit black smoke, obnoxious odors, or fumes (plastic, rubber, vinyl, waste oil, animal waste/carcasses, household garbage)
  • Failure to clear the area around the campfire, brush pile, or burn barrel down to mineral soil.
  • Leaving a fire unattended or not fully extinguishing a fire until it is cold to touch.

From all of us at Doyon, stay safe!

Photo: The Aggie Creek Fire located 30 miles northwest of Fairbanks, AK. The fire was started by a lightning strike on June 22, 2015, and has consumed an estimated 31,705 acres. Photo credit: U.S. Fire Service

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